To put Nokia's navigation services and phones on the map (sic!), the idea was to show navigation on the most direct way possible: by pointing the way to the place you want to go to. But we also wanted navigation and mapping to be more social. 
So we built an interactive arrow that people could use to point the way to their favourite places -  a very big arrow.  It was placed in central London and had a huge screen as well as a complex integration with Nokias Maps so you could share locations with it in a number of ways - from the web or from your Nokia. Even by text messaging. 
The signpost would display your location and swing to show the direction and distance, while being live streamed across the web using multiple camera angles. 

Case film (sorry about the lo-res)

As part of the project, we designed, implemented and rolled out social mapping functionality in Nokia's core mapping services, in 32 markets and dozens of languages.

We actually built the social mapping support into the core Nokia / Ovi maps service, launching with the campaign in 32 markets. This functionality remained in the service for over two years with millions shared places on Nokia devices and the web way after the campaign ended.

The world's most awarded campaign, all categories, and part of the very select collection  All Gunns Blazing. (Gunn report, 2010).  
Featured in the Taschen / Cannes Lions 40 year anniversary book Gamechangers

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